Lian has successfully trained candidates to professional Level through the IDTA Associate and Pre-Associate syllabus for over 18 years. All of her students have gained 90-98%. 5 candidates being nominated for the IDTA John Dilworth Scholarship Award (Freestyle) and 1 student achieving the Scholarship Award 2020.
The syllabus is designed to exam candidates on many aspects of dance including:
History of Freestyle Dance
Practical lesson planning
Effective choreography delivery for different age groups and abilities
Dance steps and movement terminologies, explanation, and delivery
Scientific studies including anatomy, physiology and postural faults and corrections
Health and safety aspects and legalities of operating successful dance classes
Teaching ability, qualities and professional conduct
Pre-Associate qualification - this is a reduced syllabus and does not fully qualify you as a professional. Ideal for those more experienced students who wish to expand their knowledge and expertise in preparation for the full Associate qualification. Age limit - 16
Associate qualification - As a fully qualified dance professional in Freestyle, this qualification enables full IDTA membership. Teaching and submission of candidates for IDTA Freestyle, Street and Musical Theatre examinations.